August 17, 2011


I like to take this from my friend Nancy and put it on my blog sometimes... as always, thanks for the inspiration, Nancy!

13 Years Ago I was celebrating my mom's last birthday with her...

12 Years Ago I started stamping, which led me to scrapbooking...

10 Years Ago you could still walk to the gate at the airport to see your loved ones off...

7 Years Ago I became employed at a scrapbooking store and it changed my world...

14 Months Ago I was turning 40, celebrating 15 years at my company, enjoying my 10-year anniversary with The Hubs and I was just beginning my whole fitness journey...

10 Months Ago The Hubs was so sick and I was consumed with taking care of him (yay for healing!)...

5 Months Ago we lost a four-legged child to cancer and we were very sad...

12 Weeks Ago I turned 41 with very little hullaballoo...

11 Weeks Ago I was still healing from my first bout ever with strep throat...

10 Days Ago I was sharing some of ME with you...

5 Days Ago I began a detox and eating plan that has totally changed me...

4 Days Ago I went to see The Help and completely fixated on the food!

1 Hour Ago I was watching the movie Push on cable...

10 Minutes Ago I decided to write this post...

And NOW I will schedule it and wander off to dream land.  Dreaming about my tomorrows...

What have you been doing and what are your tomorrow dreams?


  1. What an amazing post, it was nice to get to know more about you

  2. You're welcome. :) Fun to read!

  3. I love it, but I'll be the ass and point out that you turned 40 last year, not 41....just saying :)

  4. LOL Christina, thanks for catching that. See what happens when I try to write a blog post at midnight? :)


I love hearing what you have to say. Thank you for sharing yourself with me!


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