September 8, 2011

Learning New Things!

I didn't think I would make the time, but then I decided yes, I am participating in Shimelle Lane's Learn Something New Every Day class.  I actually attempted it last year, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous gift bearer, but I never finished.  I'm very sad at that, because I love the concept; I love the promise of new growth.  I love the prompts to keep your eyes and ears (and feet) aware for new experiences and lessons.  Why not take the traditional "back to school" month and actively seek to find a new awareness in each day?

So, here I am, back again.  I have given myself less expectations, this time around... and at the same time, MORE.  Instead of blogging every day about my new experiences, I am tracking them.  I am not one to be able to craft every day, but this year, I am planning to put all of my new learnings into a book.  I have not prepped it in any way, but I actually possess it.  I have also gratefully printed off Shimelle's graciously provided date printables and I am gathering my supplies.  I will, most likely, create the base pages of the album during my retreat next weekend.  But I may not finish it with photos until the very end.

I promise to share all of the bits and pieces of it as I get it accomplished.  (That said, I still haven't finished the MIMM class!)

For now, allow me to share my lessons, without elaboration.  The elaboration will come, too... that's one of the bits.  Or would that be one of the pieces?  Regardless... here is what I have learned in my first week of September 2011:

9/1/2011- Having a plan is always better.

9/2/2011 - A clean kitchen ALWAYS makes me feel more peaceful and happy!

9/3/2011 - My eyes consistently choose a bigger portion than my body needs.  My body needs to learn to win those battles.

9/4/2011 - A day solely for fun is very rejuvenating.

9/5/2011 - I am more at peace when I choose the healthy option.

9/6/2011 - Cricket chirps equals nature's thermometer. 

9/7/2011 - I will always succeed as long as I never give up!

Just a teaser for now... I'll come back as I develop the pages and give you more detail.  I hope you're willing to listen and learn what I've learned! 

1 comment:

  1. There are a few lessons in there I could do with learning over here too


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