January 12, 2012

Book Update: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

As I said in my 10 Things post, I'm trying to read a book a month, and this month's selection is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I was getting a little bummed because the beginning of the book, in my opinion... frankly... sucks.

But I promised myself to get to page 50 before I "gave up" officially.  Besides, people kept telling me that you have to get that far before it grabs you.

Okay, I'm on that bus now only I got grabbed on page 38.  Here's a summary:

Pages 1 - 37:  approximately 19 days - yes, it took me 19 days to read 37 pages.

Pages 38 - 183:  approximately 8 hours (over 2 days).

Excuse me, but I need to get back to my book........



  1. and when you finish that you'll want the rest of the series! I thought the books were horrifically dark, but I still got sucked in.

  2. It took me about 75 pages, but once the story gets into you there is no escape! And Cheri is totally right - you'll have to read the next 2 books as well.

    Although dark, the series as a whole is excellent. And the main characters are so well developed that you find yourself really invested in them.

    Hope you love it!

  3. I guess I didn't give this one long enough. Adding it back on to my holds list. :)

  4. I have never read this book. I hear its amazing. I am afraid to read this book. Because people keep telling me what its about. and I don't want that in my brain.


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