January 22, 2012

Growing Strong

Just wanted to share another layout from the Scrapbooking from the Inside Out Individuality kit... this one is somewhat about "finding" myself.  Well, not really finding myself, but... growing into myself.  I suppose you have to learn from the experiences you have when you're younger to become the (hopefully) better, stronger, happier, healthier person of the Now.  I can't say I was a very happy-go-lucky kid.  In fact, as I recall, my father used to tease, "who is that?" when he'd see a photo of me smiling, because I suppose I didn't smile all that much (case in point: the photo top-right). 

I was too busy, back then, trying hard to fade into the shadows, but wishing hard I could step into the limelight.  I'm getting more and more comfortable, nowadays, just being me.

Shadows or limelight, it's all good. 

1 comment:

I love hearing what you have to say. Thank you for sharing yourself with me!


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