April 18, 2011


About two years ago, I started blogging.  I wandered aimlessly through really bad stories of my youth and temper tantrums about my life at the time.  And then I found Blogging for  Scrapbookers by Shimelle Laine.  I trashed that other blog and started this one.  I named it Enjoy the Ride Today because the quote at the top of my blog spoke to my soul.  It was how I wanted to live my life, even if I wasn't quite there. Perhaps I'm still not quite there.  Over time, I have written about life, scrapbooking, my health journey, and other varied topics.  Through it all, I've really made an effort to consciously "enjoy the ride".

I have had a rough couple of months, and most recently a couple of weeks of no inspiration.  This makes me sad because I know I have a bunch of  wonderful people out there who read my blog and I'm so thankful for all of you.  ALL of you.  I feel a bit like I've let you down over the past couple of weeks with my lack of presence.  I know I've let myself down.

So... I decided that it's time for a little reboot.   Luckily for me (and you!), Shimelle is doing  a new class called  Beyond Blogging for  Scrapbookers.  I thought, "what timing!"  Perfect for me to have a little boost in my blog.  I hope you'll enjoy my travels through this class, and know that I will be around much more often.  And for new people coming to visit me, HELLO and welcome.  I'm so glad you're here.

But to revamp this Kai space, I need your help.  Yes, ALL of you...my loyal readers and those of you just stopping by for the first time.   I would love to redefine my blog a little...maybe make it a tad more focused or maybe make it a little more varied.  But I really feel I can't do that until I hear your input.  So would you please help me out a little and just answer one little itty bitty question?

To  my current readers:  what have you liked best about my blog, and what would you like to see more of?

To my new readers:  I'd love to know what made you stop by today and, if you've looked around, what type of posts would keep you coming back for more?

So... yeah, if you're really on top of things, you'll see I asked each of you two questions, not one. But hey, life is all about choices, so feel free to answer one or both of those questions... or all four! Let's live life large! Your input is truly valuable to me and I'm excited to see what kinds of answers I'll get. Because then it won't just be me rebooting my blog... it will be all of us! That's so exciting!


  1. I love seeing your layouts and hearing bits and pieces about what is going on with you.

  2. I love short snappy inspiring posts with lovely photo's

  3. Hi I've found you via BBFS, I like to see layouts with the stories behind them with the odd post musing on the journey and the mundane parts that make this up! I love that quote at the top of your blog, it is absolutely fab, and now I don't feel the need to brush my hair today! x

  4. Hi Kai, not sure when I started reading your posts but I enjoy the hotch potch of snippets. I do enjoy seeing what you have done and getting little glimpses of your life.

  5. 1. Because you're my friend ~ even though currently only online. It is fully my intention to visit you one day.
    2. You're on my Google Reader list so I can visit EVERY time you post
    3. Because you're my friend!
    4. Love seeing you photos and hearing about the pets
    5. Because you're my friend
    6. I love your writing style.
    7. Because you're my frined

  6. I love your writing style. I love when you are being real and sharing your life - the good, the bad, AND the ugly. I love your creativity, so Of course I love seeing your layouts and other projects! oh... and I love you!

  7. I wouldn't change a thing at your blog. I love your honesty and that you are just being you - true to yourself!! Your writing is encouraging and I enjoy visiting your blog each time it pops up in Google Reader. :)

  8. I keep coming back because I love the honesty in your writing and really enjoy your photos. I think you have a great blog going already.

  9. Can I say Ditto what Bernice said? Well...ditto what Bernice Said. I love your transparency and matter of fact style of writing. I like the window into your world and I like it when you embark on a new project...your enthusiasm makes me enthusiastic!

  10. I love your honesty, too :) You blog 'real', and I like it that way! xx


I love hearing what you have to say. Thank you for sharing yourself with me!


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